JKCPJ have curated Videos Editing, Graphic Designing and content writing Course to hone the skill of Youth in valley
In its endeavour to work for Positive Youth Development JK Centre for Peace and Justice
(JKCPJ), Kick Started Multiple online courses for young people. To pace up with the world of
technology JKCPJ have curated Videos Editing, Graphic Designing and content writing Course
to hone the skill set at best.
We at JKCPJ believe that young people need the ability and empowerment to take part in
decision-making and bring change in common lives. With the same intent team, JKCPJ started
these courses to explore interests, values and skills in young people and channel them to
identify the career path they wish to pursue. Education and learning new things is power and
we need to educate the young population to have proper defense against challenges they will
face ahead.