JKCPJ organizes a Mental Health Awareness Workshop at Hussaini Public High School, Srinagar
JK Centre for peace and Justice Foundation organized a Mental Health workshop at Hussaini
Public High School, Khushipora, Srinagar. Mr. Gowher Ahmad delivered the welcome address
followed by a brief introduction about the organization and the speakers of the day. JKCPJ
Mental Health expert Ms Manaal Andrabi spoke about the Health behaviors and problems
among young people in Kashmir, cause for concerns and call for action. She claimed that a
significant proportion of youth health-impacting behaviors and conditions that affect their
growth and development. Stress, suicidal tendencieand s, substance use are some of the
majhealth-impactinging behaviors and problems.
She addressed the students of classes 6th to 10th, both boys and girls and made them familiar
with the concepts and themes of various mental health issues such as Phobias, stress and
Schizophrenia. She asked students to eliminate distractions while preparing for exams. The key
to better exam results is consistent preparation wia th calm mindset. She also advised the
students to teach their friends to retrieve what all they have learnt. These small habits can help
to manage exam stress that would reduce anxiety in students leaving them with stable mental
health and well-equipped for further courses.
The Director of JKCfoundation Mr. Nadir Ali emphasized, there is a strong need to identify,
prepare, integrate and implement activities that will help to promote menthe tal health of young
In the series of workshops targeting Mental Health JK Centre for peace and Justice Foundation
(JKCPJ) visited another school with the same mission to educate students about mental health.
These workshops support the emotional health and academic growth of the students. The
Program was in line with JKCPJ’s organizational mandate and part of its state-wide initiative
“Student’s Connect 2022”. About 400 students participated in this workshop. Both teachers
and students hailed the JKCPJ foundation for conducting such programs. The students
remained positive, happier, confident more excited and warmer during the interaction.